Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The primary problem with most software today is that it is focused on one master organizing principle, and if you want to approach the information with a different focus, it is very difficult. For example, a calendar program organizes all the data based on dates. A contact management program (such as ACT!) is based on people. While you can use work-arounds (such as entering your Project as a Person), none of the software that I quote ve seen brings all the different information together by projects. (I'm not including "Project Management" type software that provides things like Gantt charts and critical path analysis, since that isn't really applicable to day to day planning of the sort most of us have to do.) And none really gives you the flexibility to view the information in different ways; sometimes based on the projects or matters, sometimes organized by people, and sometimes by dates.The new website APPCRAFT.ORG is designed for poeple who are need customized application. APPCRAFT.ORG


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