Thursday, October 21, 2004

Oil & Gas Services Firm A Fortune 500 company provides diversified oil and gas field services to the energy industry. Working closely with one of the Big 5 consulting firms, they have built standard methodologies for providing unmatched quality of service. New practices and technologies are tested aggressively and rolled out to field operations via an intranet site which houses documentation, reference materials, and important forms. Field employees are often located in challenging remote sites without any consistent network connection. To ensure they had access to these critical materials, the intranet site was burned onto CD and shipped to each employee periodically. The cost was roughly $100 per year each for over 30,000 workers. This expensive process was replaced by deploying file distribution software that is thoroughly optimized for intermittent connections. It is expected to save over 50% of the above amount and pay for itself in less than a year.APPCRAFT.ORG


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